Glenn Danzigs directorial debut, is a horror anthology that compiles stories from Danzigs line of comic books of the same name. Stories which focus on horror content thats often seGlenn Danzigs directorial debut, is a horror anthology that compiles stories from Danzigs line of comic books of the same name. Stories which focus on horror content thats often sexual and violent in nature, usually featuring scantily-clad female protagonists.详情
艾米·亚当斯,斯科特·麦克纳里,杰西卡·哈珀,玛丽·霍兰,佐伊·晁,凯莉·奥马利,Ella Thomas,劳拉·梅多斯,罗斯琳·詹托, 迈克尔·安德鲁·贝克,Michaela Baham,普雷斯顿·加利,Adrienne Rose White,Garrett C. Phillips,Archana Rajan,Darius De La Cruz,Ethan Clark,Stacey Swift,Arthur R.H. Wasem Sr.,London Farrow